Monday, March 17, 2008

Now Is The Time To Fix Your Bad Credit Score

Most people been in a situation where we need to get some form of financial assistance from lending institutions such as banks. We may have to get a car loan or maybe a home loan. We may even want apply for loans to cover during emergency situations. However, when you go to these lending institutions to get some financial help, they first need to do a credit check before granting you a loan. Of course, these institutions are usually private companies who don t want to risk losing their money to somebody with a bad credit score.
Credit reports contain all your loan transactions. If you have had previous loans that you were not able to pay, then they will contribute to giving you a bad credit scor or rating, which will consequentially require you to fix your bad credit score. All your loan transactions are summarized and rated which gives you your credit score.
The higher your credit score, the better. That means you ve been a responsible loan payer. A lower credit score may mean that you don t have enough credit history yet, or that you were not able to pay off a majority of your loans. With a bad credit score, it will definitely be hard for you to obtain new credit, thus you need to fix your bad credit score immediately.
The financial market favors those with high credit score. If your credit score is bad, there are a lot of benefits that may not be available for you. For example, low interest loans are offered to those with high credit scores. They re also offered better deals on mortgages.
Even if you don t think you ll need a loan in the near future, you should start taking steps to fix your credit score. Nobody exactly knows when a loan can come in handy. Usually, financial shortages cannot be predicted. It s always better to be ready for that unexpected moment when you need to apply for a loan.
The first thing that you need to do to fix your bad credit score will be to obtain a credit report. It s highly recommended to get a copy of your credit reports from the three major credit reporting bureaus, namely: Experian, TransUnion and Equifax. Although these three bureaus may follow the same rules in computing for your score, there may some discrepancies in the data that they were able to gather.
To be able to fix your credit score, you need to know what your credit score is and all the things that are written on your credit report. Although it happens rarely, but it does happen that there maybe some information written on them that you don t have any idea about. For example, it may reflect a loan that you don t remember applying for. Or maybe a paid loan that still shows to be unpaid.
When these errors occur, what you need to do is to contact the creditor responsible and explain your side. You shouldn t have a difficult time in doing this since most creditors will gladly help you out to fix a bad credit rating.
It is really important to check your credit reports regularly. The government knows this, thus, every US consumer is entitled to one free credit report every year. Take advantage of this to check for any mistakes on your credit report. You can also use this to ensure that you haven t fallen victim to an identity theft.
It can actually take several weeks for your credit score to be corrected. Aside from contacting your creditors, you may have to fill out a credit dispute form from the credit reporting agency. To minimize all the hassles, you can actually go online and request a copy of this form.
When you have checked that your credit score report is error free, then you need to start working on any negative remarks in the report. If you haven t paid your loans on time, most creditors may leave negative comments in your credit report. You might want to try to talk it out with the creditor.
There are actually several credit repair agencies that promise to fix your bad credit score. Before you sign up for any of them, make sure that they re not just one of the bogus credit repairmen that will just run off with your hard earned money. If you can t ensure their reliability, then the best option left is for you to fix your bad credit score yourself. For more information now go to: or

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